An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

When can a head injury lead to Social Security Disability?

On Behalf of | May 3, 2022 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Injuries

If you suffer from a blow to the head on the job or you have another type of injury as a result of your work, then you may be able to seek Social Security Disability to help you get the financial support you need.

When you have a brain injury, it may be the case that you can no longer work to support yourself. You may have to relearn how to walk, speak or interact with others. You may have regular headaches or chronic fatigue that makes it hard for you to hold a job.

If you have a brain injury, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits

The Social Security Administration may approve your application for benefits if you have a brain injury. You will need to show that the injury is severe enough that you cannot hold a full-time job or work enough to support yourself.

The SSA generally only approves around 30% of all claims upon the initial application. To help yourself get into that 30%, you will want to build a strong case for compensation with evidence of your injury, details about your current health and medical condition and more.

How long will it take to get SSDI for a head injury?

That depends on your circumstances, but it usually takes 90 to 120 days to go through the initial SSDI application process. Around 30% of people get approved at this stage, so if you’re not, you’ll have to go through the reconsideration process.

The reconsideration process includes your right to appeal the Social Security Administration’s decision. You will have up to 60 days to appeal the decision. If you do not appeal within that time, you’ll need to start the application process over from scratch.

If you do appeal, it can take up to five months (and sometimes longer) for the appeal to be completed. At this stage, around another 15% of people get approvals.

Knowing your legal rights and providing the SSA with indisputable proof of your injuries and disability can help you get the approval you’re looking for. Getting the right help will make sure you’re submitting the best and most thorough application possible.
