An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

Common mental illnesses can prove more disabling for some people

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2020 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Mental Conditions

Mental health conditions are difficult to deal with but also largely invisible. Even people with the most debilitating conditions likely won’t have symptoms all the time. Additionally, some people with the same diagnosis have a far worse affliction than others.

The sliding scale of severity for mental health issues is one significant complicating factor for those who seek Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits due to a mental health diagnosis. Even common mental health conditions can be more severe for some people.

Anxiety and depression are very common

According to data gathered by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, roughly 18.1% of American adults are struggling with anxiety conditions in any given year. Another 6.7% of the population suffers from major depressive conditions.

The chances are good that there are other people in your social circle who have the same mental health issue you do if you struggle with depression or an anxiety condition. It’s important to realize that while some people can function normally with these conditions, other people will have more persistent and severe symptoms.

The provable impact is more important than the diagnosis itself

The Social Security Administration evaluates every claim it receives based on the impact the condition has on the applicant. Documentation affirming that your anxiety or depression is severe enough to keep you out of work or to inhibit your functioning can help you connect with SSDI benefits.

Therapy records, paperwork from inpatient stabile and even statements by former employers and family members can help build a case for SSDI benefits. Getting legal assistance your application can help you prove how a common mental health condition presents severe symptoms for you.
