An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

How debilitating Restless Leg Syndrome can be

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2020 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Injuries

There are a lot of different diagnoses that a patient may have assigned to their medical condition. Some of the most debilitating ones are neurologic sensorimotor ones like Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). This condition can adversely impact more portions of a person’s body than just their legs. The same symptoms that individual experiences in their lower limbs may also affect their torso, genitals, arms and face. RLS is quite debilitating in its own right when it involves a single body part like a person’s legs. It may be even more life-altering if it starts affecting other ones, though.

Data compiled by the captures how an estimated 10% of Americans suffer from a neurological disorder called Willis-Ekbom Disease or RLS. This condition most widely afflicts individuals while attempting to sleep or take a load off and rest.

Individuals who suffer from RLS often experience a persistent, overwhelming feeling that they need to keep moving their legs when it seems more plausible for them to rest. The onset of RLS more commonly happens when a person is relaxing.

It’s not uncommon for a person who suffers from this condition to experience discomfort in their legs, face, torso, arms or genitals. While the application of pressure or movement may alleviate a person’s symptoms temporarily, they may come rearing back moments later.

An individual’s nagging discomfort in their limbs is most apt to be the strongest when they’re attempting to sleep, but it may impact them anytime that they’re at rest. It’s plausible that individuals who perform administrative or administrative tasks may experience discomfort as they attempt to go about their workday.

Individuals who suffer from conditions such as this may have difficulty remaining gainfully employed in Oklahoma City. An attorney may advise you of your right to apply for monthly disability payments if your condition is both chronic and severe.
