An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

Qualifiers (and disqualifiers) for Supplemental Security Income

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2020 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Illness

If there’s one thing that you should know about Supplemental Security Income (SSI), it’s that there’s no guarantee that you’ll receive this type of Social Security benefits when you apply for them. There’s also no guarantee that you’ll continue receiving them once you start either. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does have qualifying criteria that may automatically qualify or disqualify you for benefits, though.

You must be a resident of one of the 50 U.S. states or territories, the child of a military parent stationed overseas or a student who is temporarily studying abroad to be eligible for SSI benefits.

Some things that may disqualify you from receiving SSI benefits are if you have a warrant out for your arrest or if you’re locked up in prison. If you’ve fled the area to avoid confinement or incarceration, then that may also render you ineligible for SSI benefits.

Individuals residing in a local, state or federal institution for one month or longer, such as a homeless shelter or a publicly-operated community residence, are ineligible to receive SSI benefits. If you give away your possessions or sell your resources for less than what they are worth to qualify for SSI, then the SSA may bar you from receiving benefits for up to 36 months.

Non-citizens who lose their legal resident status are ineligible to receive SSI benefits. Any person who remains outside of the U.S. for 30 or more days, unless they are a student living temporarily abroad or a child of a military parent, cannot receive SSI benefits either. They would have to return to the U.S. and remain in the country for 30 consecutive days to become eligible for benefits once again, provided that they meet all the other eligibility requirements for SSI.

It can be time-consuming to gather together all the necessary information to apply for disability benefits. One of the best things you can do to unnecessarily avoid wasting your valuable time in applying for benefits is to have an attorney review your application first. Your Oklahoma City lawyer will be able to determine your prospects for having your request for benefits approved by doing this.
