An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

Disabled individuals suffering from a disability related to a mental health condition may be able to receive Social Security disability (SSD) benefits to help with their expenses and needs. Because Social Security disability benefits are important for many disabled individuals and their families, disabled individuals suffering from a mental illness should be familiar with how they can qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

If the disabled individual suffers from a mental condition that prevents them from working, they may be able to receive Social Security disability for mental illness. In general, Social Security disability insurance benefits may be available to disabled individuals who suffer from a physical or mental medical condition that prevents them from working. They must also meet work history requirements. For those who do not, Supplemental Security Income may be an option to consider.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) maintains a list of impairments that are considered inherently disabling which means that those who suffer from an impairment on the list are considered unable to engage in substantial gainful activity which is the threshold to qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Examples of mental health conditions included on the SSA’s list that may qualify for SSD benefits include Schizophrenia, Autistic disorders, mental retardation, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. Other mental health conditions may also qualify for benefits.

Disabled applicants should also be familiar with how the SSA assesses mental health conditions and residual functional capacity to determine if the disabled applicant qualifies for SSD benefits. Different options are available to help disabled individuals in different situations which is why they need to be aware of the options available to help and how to qualify for the benefits they need when they need them.
