An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

What happens if it is possible for a disability to get better?

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2019 | Social Security Disability

Previous posts here have discussed how individual disability claims may be reviewed after they have been approved. Reviews are done to ensure that individuals are getting the support that they need, but also to ensure that individuals who are capable of working are seeking other means of financial support besides their SSDI payments. When a person is approved for disability benefits their ailment may be identified as one that will possibly improve, and that identification may influence when the person’s case review is performed.

If a person’s disabling ailment is considered to be expected to improve, then their review will happen shortly after they begin to receive benefits. That review may occur anywhere from six months after their approval to a year and a half later. If their disabling condition will possibly improve their review will generally occur no sooner than three years after their claim is approved.

A person’s whose condition is not expected to improve may not have a review of their claim for seven years. Our readers are reminded that these timeframes are general and that different facts and circumstances may influence when their own reviews will occur.

An approval from the Social Security Administration for disability benefits is not a permanent guarantee that the individual will get disability support for the rest of their life. Rather, disability benefits are periodically reviewed. Whether a person’s disability is considered to be expected to improve, possibly eligible to improve or unlikely to improve will greatly affect when their review is performed. Anyone who receives disability benefits would likely benefit from getting more information about when their own review will occur.
