Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, is misunderstood by many. This federal benefits program provides disabled people who qualify with payment checks due to the fact that they can no longer work to earn a living. However, there are many myths surrounding SSDI, and it is important to understand if the information you have is correct or just a myth.
It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction because the SSDI program has many regulations, and it is not easy for the average person to know them all. Learn about a couple of common myths, so you know what is true and what is not.
Myths about working
SSDI eligibility centers around the disabled person’s inability to engage in what the Social Security Administration terms “significant gainful activity,” or the SGA requirement. This requirement sets forth specific monetary limits regarding monthly earnings. If you earn too much according to the limits, your SSDI benefits may stop. However, a common myth is that if your benefits stop, you will have to reapply from the very beginning to have the Social Security Administration, SSA, reinstate your benefits. You actually do not have to reapply if you meet some basic requirements, including benefits ending within the last five years.
Myths about denied claims
Some people think that if the SSA rejects your initial application, you have no chance for recourse and that your chances for receiving SSDI are over. This is not the truth. You can appeal a denied SSDI claim. However, it is in your best interest to work with an attorney to appeal your claim, because you will need to request a hearing with an administrative law judge. Although this is not required, it greatly helps your chances for success. If you are dealing with a denied claim, the stakes are high, and you likely do not want to risk being unprepared in your appeal. A disability attorney can help ensure you move through the appeals process correctly, which can take a huge burden off your shoulders.
Before you believe anything you hear or read about SSDI, double check to see if it is accurate and up-to-date. If you are considering applying for SSDI, it is a good idea to schedule a consultation with an attorney who works with these cases, so you can be sure you are doing things the right way the first time around.