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Debunking 3 myths about Social Security’s disability program

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2018 | Social Security Disability

When people sustain injuries at work, they turn to Social Security’s disability program to continue having money come in even though they may not be able to earn a traditional income. However, there are many pitfalls people may encounter. Some people make a simple mistake on their forms, and as a result, they end up with less money than they deserve.

Part of the reason why so many mistakes happen is that many myths persist about Social Security’s disability program. With an attorney, anyone can review all the necessary paperwork and make informed decisions. Here are some of the most common myths that continue about the program.

Myth #1: Many people who receive disability benefits are not actually disabled

This myth could not be farther from the truth. It is a rigorous process to show eligibility and receive Social Security benefits for a disability, so people who qualify most certainly cannot work.

Myth #2: No matter what the disability is, the person will need to wait a long time to receive benefits

While it is true the process is lengthy, there are ways to obtain financial compensation in the meantime. In fact, Social Security offers compassionate allowances, which are benefits provided to individuals in a much faster fashion. Therefore, someone who has come down with a rare and extreme disease can receive some compensation without waiting for months on end.

Myth #3: People can lose a claim if they consume alcohol

This area is a bit tricky. For example, if a person comes down with a liver issue and continues to consume alcohol, then Social Security would most likely deny a claim because alcohol consumption has a direct negative impact on the condition. However, if consuming alcohol would not have any direct correlation with the medical condition, then Social Security may not care. The best advice is to always follow the instructions of the doctor as to never give the office a reason to deny a claim.
