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Top 3 reasons for denial of SSDI benefits

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2017 | Social Security Disability

Applying for social security disability benefits seems daunting for anyone even if they are completely in the right to apply. The fact that everyone pays into the program makes it seem all the more frustrating that it can take over a year to hear a decision. The program is also facing an unprecedented backlog of applications to file through. 

A majority of people who apply for SSDI benefits receive a denial the first time around. This does not mean all hope has become lost. The person can file an appeal to have their records reviewed once again. However, it is beneficial to understand why many applications receive a denial the first time around to try to avoid those pitfalls for yourself. 

1. Failure to follow the doctor’s treatment plan

When you receive a disability at your place of work, your doctor will provide you with a treatment regimen to help you live a fairly normal life. You need to follow this treatment plan, and your doctor will require checkups to see if you are in fact following the plan. If you do not follow the plan, then your doctor will communicate that information to the agency. You may receive a denial because it is unclear if you are truly unable to work again. 

2. Previous denial

When you receive a denial for an SSDI claim, you always want to submit an appeal. You never want to start from scratch and submit again. The person reviewing your application will see you received a denial in the past and simply deny the claim again. 

3. No hard evidence of medical problem

You need to definitively prove to the SSDI office that your injury prevents you from conducting any kind of work. This means the doctor you see needs to create detailed forms documenting your injury and the steps you have taken to try to get better. The SSDI office most often requires the medical records made by your primary care physician.  
