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Bipolar disorder as a basis for disability benefits

On Behalf of | Sep 21, 2018 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Mental Conditions

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by the oscillation of a person’s mood between manic and depressed episodes. Also called manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder may present differently in different patients. It is because it can manifest in different ways that Oklahoma residents may need to provide extensive medical data in order to demonstrate that this condition is a disability under the rules of the Social Security Administration.

Individuals seeking benefits based on bipolar disorder must be able to demonstrate the extent of either depressive or manic moods. With regard to depression, they may have to show that they suffer from low energy, lost interest in activities, or feelings of inadequacy. In order to show their manic tendencies, claimants may need to offer evidence of their distractibility or lessened need to rest. Readers should note these are only some types of evidence they may need to present if they hope to secure disability benefits based on bipolar disorder.

The symptoms of a person’s bipolar diagnosis must be of such an extent that they impact the individual’s ability to work. The failure of a worker to concentrate on, participate in, or complete their work tasks may show that they are disabled due to their mental illness diagnosis.

Bipolar disorder is a serious medical condition that can prevent a person from engaging in normal activities, including holding down a job. A mental illness can be a disability, and, for men and women who are suffering from bipolar disorder, help may be available. Disability benefits attorneys can guide these individuals through their options for applying for the help they need and assist them in building the strong claims they need to succeed.
