An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

Helping Oklahomans over 50 get SSD benefits

On Behalf of | Oct 6, 2017 | Social Security Disability

For Oklahomans who are over the age of 50, the rules for Social Security Disability benefits differ slightly than they do for people under age 50. When a person over 50 thinks he or she does not quite qualify for SSD benefits, they might be mistaken because they are not fully aware of how the system works and what the requirements are. Having legal assistance to sift through all the issues can be beneficial and might help a person who would not get benefits if under the age of 50, get them because they are over the age of 50.

If a person over 50 has a condition that does not meet a qualified disability on the Listing of Impairments, the age might push them over the top to get the benefits. The Social Security Administration is cognizant of the reality of changing job markets and the difficulty that people over a certain age might have trouble adapting. This is important when seeking SSD benefits.

Older workers are those between age 50 and 65. When the SSA assesses a case, the person’s residual functional capacity, vocational skills, age and education level are all taken into consideration. People in the over 50 age group will gain some leeway a person under that age would not. Workers who can do sedentary labor and are 50 to 64 might be able to get benefits despite that ability. Those 55 to 59 are considered “advanced age” and could get SSD benefits even if they are able to perform light work. Those 60 to 65 are viewed as close to retirement and could get benefits even if they can do what is classified as medium work.

People who are suffering from an injury, illness or condition and are older than 50 could be eligible for benefits even if they are not aware of the flexibility the SSA shows in these cases. Having advice from a legal professional who is experienced and knowledgeable with all aspects of Social Security disability is essential to a claim.
