An Honest, Clear Voice In SSI/SSDI Care

Changing the notions of disability can help disabled children

On Behalf of | Jul 30, 2014 | Social Security Disability

If you ask a disabled adult to describe who they are, chances are that they may proudly identify themselves as a disabled American. However, asking disabled children to describe themselves may be difficult because of the insecurities that come with being different and having to answer so many questions about one’s condition.

But the social stigma that comes with being labeled as a disabled person (as opposed to a person who happens to have a disability) may be a thing of the past, thanks to a new sense of identification that appears to be gaining in social acceptance. Essentially, people with disabilities are being described as people first, with their disability being a modifier; in a sense.

 Through this, a person may be more likely to find value in themselves as a person first, and then may feel empowered by the acceptance of their disability as one of their unique qualities.  This is also important given how children can be impressionable and become depressed when they are singled out because of their disability. It is difficult enough to deal with a disability on its own, the cruel comments that can come from other kids can be devastating.

So what has become more than just another layer of political correctness may also be a source of empowerment for kids who may feel like they have no place within society. It may also improve upon the long-standing problem of unemployment among disabled Americans.

In the meantime, parents with children who are disabled can contact an experienced attorney for questions on how to obtain benefits.

The preceding is not construed to be legal advice. 

